Search results for quinoa

How to Use California Avocados: 5 New Ways for this Spring and Summer

Sponsored Post March officially kicked off California Avocado season, so I was delighted to share my latest and greatest usage tips with host Destry Jetton on Arizona Midday on NBC12 in Phoenix. Why now is the perfect time to enjoy California Avocados With peak availability March through...
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Orange & Beet Salad with Arugula & Pistachios

 You can’t beat beet salad Beets are one of those love or “no, thank you” vegetables. If you’ve only experienced canned beets, freshly roasted beets will expose your taste buds to a whole new texture and natural, concentrated sweetness. And oh, the colors. Beets can...
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Part III: Clean Eating Expert as Guest of #RDchat Twitter Chat

Michelle Dudash, chef nutritionist and author of the new cookbook Clean Eating for Busy Families, weighed in as a guest contributor to the hot discussion of clean eating via the Twitter chat #rdchat. The chat was moderated by registered dietitian Janet Helm on December...
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VIP Blogger Luncheon: An Up Close Look (and Giveaway!)

Working in media offers nice little perks along the way, like swag to sample, celebrity interview opportunities, and VIP luncheons where you meet face-to-face with company representatives and network with others in media. On top of all that, these events typically serve pretty good food,...
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Spring Clean Your Kitchen to Get Healthy

With flowers budding, weeds popping, and the temperature rising, spring is here, leaving people inspired to clean out garages, closets, and the kitchen! nutrition expert and chef Michelle Dudash explains how to give your kitchen a healthy food makeover. Be Ruthless Remember, if it’s not in...
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