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How to Get Protein at Breakfast

Breakfasts that have protein - smoothie and egg scramble

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How to get protein at breakfastDid you resolve to shed pounds or eat healthier for the New Year? How are things going so far? If you’ve made it to the one-month mark, good for you. Hopefully the changes are now engrained habits.

Nutrition expert Michelle Dudash and Phoenix blogger Kelly Loubet

At the start of the new year, I teamed up with Phoenix-based blogger Kelly Loubet of Everyday Childhood in coordination with the national Got Milk? campaign to help her kick off 2014 with healthier family meals,. Kelly is a mom of two school-age daughters, which means preparing streamlined breakfasts for busy school days. Kelly had lots of great food and nutrition questions including those below, so we shared them along with my tips on NBC 12’s Arizona Midday, which we hoped would also help viewers at home.

What is your best tip that you can give me to eat better at breakfast?:

Many Americans don’t know that paying attention to not only the amount of protein consumed, but also when you consume it, can help you stick to your healthy eating resolutions. Protein at breakfast can help power you through the morning so you can feel fuller, longer and don’t succumb to mid-morning temptations. My favorite ways to get protein at breakfast are milk, nuts and nut butters, yogurt and eggs. And I admit to enjoying crispy bacon and savory sausage on special occasions.

Breakfasts that have protein - smoothie and egg scramble

What are some new smoothie ideas you have, and what protein foods can I add to them?:

This Protein-Packed Berry Burst Strawberry Smoothie contains strawberries, oats and milk – an ingredient her family loves and always has in their fridge. Milk is an easy way to add protein to smoothies and milk’s protein at breakfast can help you stay fuller longer so you’re more likely to stick to your healthy eating routine. Though, not all protein sources are created equal. An 8-ounce glass of milk has 8 grams of high-quality protein, which is more protein than you get from an egg! Plus, milk is a breakfast powerhouse, packed with 9 essential nutrients in each glass. It is a natural source of high-quality protein to build muscle, has calcium and vitamin D to strengthen bones and B vitamins for energy.

Oats add a comforting nutty taste and thickness, plus added fiber.

How many grams of protein should I get at breakfast?

While most Americans eat enough total protein throughout the day, they’re getting little at breakfast – only 10-12 grams on average. It’s better to spread protein throughout the day and eating 20-30 grams at breakfast is ideal for satiety to help power you through the morning. For example, this Chicken Sausage Scramble has 22 grams of protein per serving.

Slow cooker oatmeal with pineapple and bananas

What are some other breakfast ideas that incorporate protein besides meat?

Slow Cooker Oats with Banana and Pineapple offers a new twist. Thick-cut oatmeal is one of my favorite breakfasts, where I replace the water with milk for added protein to give me staying power throughout the morning, plus calcium. I just nuke the milk and oats in a large glass bowl for 3 minutes and sprinkle with nuts, dried fruit, cinnamon and a touch of sweetener.

Skillet Eggs and Polenta is a warming breakfast for the weekends when you have a little more time.

Check out for more nutritious and delicious breakfast ideas, as well as the chance to be one of 2,000 people to daily receive a buy-one-get-one free milk coupon, through February 17, 2014.

To read Kelly’s posts about our meetings and status updates, check out these links to our first meeting, her food and exercise routine that is helping her lose weight, and a week of breakfast recipes with protein.

Disclosure: I work closely with the national Got Milk? campaign and they compensated me for my time in writing this post. Words are my own.


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