Part II: Clean Eating Expert as Guest of #RDchat Twitter Chat

Part II of #RDchat
Michelle Dudash, chef nutritionist and author of the new cookbook Clean Eating for Busy Families, weighed in as a guest contributor to the hot discussion of clean eating via the Twitter chat #RDchat. The chat was moderated by registered dietitian Janet Helm on December 12, 2012. Michelle and other registered dietitians discussed their own personal definitions of clean eating.
What is your definition of clean eating?
Q3: What are some #cleaneating substitutions families can make?
@michelledudash: Sprouted grain bread v. refined wheat. Broiled cod filet v. frozen fish sticks. Whole apple v. apple juice. Dark chocolate v. candy.
@AlexOppRD: Shifting towards less processed and more homemade.
@alexikscott: Shopping locally. Many farmers markets have started accepting SNAP dollars.
@bethwarrenrd: Cook your own meals more often. Eat whole grains, nuts, seeds, healthy oils like EVOO, beans and lean proteins (grass-fed beef, etc).
@NourRD: Cooking with basic ingredients, eating at a table and not wrapped meals in a car.
@mollymorganrd: Filling ½ plate with fruit & veg.
@katemyerson: Homemade breads and soups taste way better and are often healthier.
@NourRD: I follow the dirty dozen 90% of the time. But if I can’t find organic, or can’t drag 2 kids to 2 stores, I buy conventional.
@joyofnutrition: Evidence indicates organic does not necessarily equate to more nutritious.
@michelledudash: I’ve spoken with numerous farmers who don’t even use pesticides but can’t afford organic certification.
@katemyerson: Smoothies with whole foods are less expensive than the sometimes more processed ingredients from the smoothie shops
@bethwarrenrd: People have to see how eating real food can be incorporated into real lives. Simple, easy, fast.
Q4: What did everyone think of Dr. Oz’s cover story on Time, the anti-snob diet, he talked frozen veggies, don’t need to buy organic.
@katemyerson: I try not to pay attention to Dr. Oz, it’s better for my blood pressure.
@JBraddockRD: I don’t like the negative tone to the title. Turned me off a bit.
@michelledudash: Haven’t seen that story. I am a fan of frozen vegetables and I buy mostly conventional. But sourced as close to home as possible.
@JanetHelm: Controversial, but he was just trying to get people cooking, doesn’t have to be fancy.
@nutritionjill: Didn’t read the story, but saw him on the Today Show. Oddly, I agreed with everything he said. Never happened before.
@mollymorganrd: So-so… people select organic foods & boutique foods for reasons other than just nutrition and pesticides.
@joyofnutrition: I have to evaluate each of his stories because I don’t consider him a nutrition expert. If Dr. Oz got it right then he must have spoken with an RD first.
@alissarumseyRD: Core message wasn’t too bad, but they framed it the wrong way.
@VanPerrone: Agree that fruit/veg should be encouraged no matter what but the opportunity was missed to discuss pros of organics.
@JenniferNeily: Putting myself out there… but I like Dr. Oz. Don’t agree w/his stuff most often, but I think he means well.
Q5: #Cleaneating promotes seasonal eating, what should we be promoting now, what’s in season?
@michelledudash: Pomegranates, grapes, persimmons. Pears, apples. Winter squash in place of summer squash. Broccoli, cauliflower.
@joyofnutrition: My favorites are clementines, grapefuits for a boost of Vitamin C, also sweet potatoes.
@katemyerson: Cranberries are great in smoothies and cranberry apple crisp.
@JBraddockRD: Fortunately Florida is a little different than rest of country. Bring on the greens!
@katemyerson: I also just found a recipe for apple and butternut squash crisp I am going to try.
@mollymorganrd: I recommend the site “localharvest” frequently! It’s a great resource for determining what’s fresh when.
@michelledudash: Importance of introducing “new” in-season produce to consumers is explaining how to prepare simply.
@VanPerrone: Jerusalem artichokes! Delicious + loads of prebiotics from a whole food.
Part I of #RDChat Twitter Chat Available Here
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