Shoot with Clean Eating Expert Michelle Dudash

Reported by Team Michelle
Recently, visited the kitchen of registered dietitian and clean eating expert Michelle Dudash to get her tips on clean eating. was interested in learning more about what it really means to eat clean. Michelle broke it down by explaining the basics and by showing viewers how to keep their kitchens properly stocked and ready to make healthy, whole-foods recipes.
Michelle, a clean eater herself, prepared for the shoot by delving into her own kitchen to find her clean eating staples. Fresh produce, herbs and lowfat dairy were shown alongside whole grains, beans and nutritious oils to demonstrate the key ingredients to keep available for clean eating.
Fundamentals of Clean Eating
First, Michelle covered the fundamentals of clean eating, by talking about the importance of eating whole foods in their most natural state. For example, instead of drinking apple juice, she suggested eating the whole apple.
Watch the video: What is clean eating?
She also talked about the importance of eating a colorful array of local, seasonal foods. Michelle recommended that for clean eating, it’s best to avoid foods with ingredients that you can’t pronounce and ingredients like partially hydrogenated oils or refined sugars. She also discussed eating foods that were humanely produced. But most importantly, Michelle recommended that you enjoy every bite of your clean eating diet.
Monthly, Weekly and Quarterly Clean Eating Shopping Lists
To make it even easier for viewers to eat clean, healthy, and fresh meals, Michelle finished with segments on clean eating grocery lists. For your weekly clean eating shopping list, Michelle recommended buying fresh produce, herbs, dairy, whole-grain baked goods, hummus, and proteins, like seafood, lean meats and beans and legumes.
Watch the video: Your weekly clean eating shopping lists
To keep your kitchen stocked properly each month, she recommended that your monthly clean eating shopping list include grains, whole-grain snacks, and canned beans. And to ensure that your kitchen is clean eating friendly year round, Michelle advised buying ingredients such as oils, vinegar, tea, dried herbs, oats, natural sweeteners and sea salt every quarter.
Clean Eating Convenience Foods
As a busy mom, Michelle knows that everyday busy life can make eating clean a challenge. It’s so tempting to choose foods that are quick, and it’s easy to pick up premade, but these types of foods often lack the healthy benefits of whole foods. For busy people, Michelle suggests having easy convenience foods in your kitchen such as soups, frozen vegetables, fruit cups, natural deli meats, snack bars, granola, whole-grain tortilla chips and popcorn. With quick, easy and healthy options available like these, you can eat clean even when you’re in a hurry.
For more information from Michelle about clean eating and healthy, whole-foods recipes, look for her book Clean Eating for Busy Families available by December 1, 2012.
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