Nutrition Blogger Plunging In

When I finally dreamt about it in my sleep, I knew it was time to start doing it. Now that I’m underway, things are feeling pretty darn good. I’ve thought about writing a food blog for about a year now. While everyday I thank my lucky stars that I get to appear on TV, in big glossy magazines, and write for websites that engage millions, much of what I say has to be put through a filter of internal questions. What would the advertisers think? Which words am I allowed to say? What’s appropriate? Also, how much of it can I make about ME?

Here I am with Elmo and Cookie Monster, as they show me their moves.
Now that I’m wearing the hats of publisher, writer, producer, and sales exec (well, maybe down the road), pretty much anything will go. Doesn’t that sound like more fun? Welcome to the Michelle Dudash show. Just kidding, sort of.
It’s not just about me. I’ll talk about new foods I’ve tasted, restaurants where I’ve dined, books I’ve read, kitchen triumphs and tragedies, and anything else that crosses my path by way of food or eating. If you haven’t read my bio yet, know that I lean (okay, push) towards the healthier side of things. But, taste will always be considered first, and health factors second.
My goals for writing in my online diary are to inspire my followers to eat better and put a little more thought into what they put into their mouths each day in a healthful, ecological, and mindful way, despite this crazy world we live in.

Scarlet and I
You’ll get an inside look at what goes on in my life of food writing, TV appearances, conferences, and recipe testing, sandwiched between chasing my 2 year old daughter around and enjoying a glass of wine with my husband.
I post each day, Monday through Friday, so you won’t miss a beat.
Hi Michelle,
Just read your 10 steps to avoid over-eating while dining out and really enjoyed it.
As far as step #4 about asking for a to-go container, I would like to encourage you to have your clients go one step further and simply bring in their own clean re-usable box. This will not only allow your clients to immediately put a portion away but reduce the amount of waste from “throw away” doggie bag containers. If interested, I have started selling re-usable Eco-Health Boxes that look like the typical styrofoam clam-shell but is made of durable BPA free plastic. Please e-mail me if you or your clients are interested. I am trying to raise money from the sale of the boxes to go to the Wounded Warrior Project.
Have a great day.
Jonathan Felsen
Hi Jonathon,
These boxes sound cool, and a re-usable container sounds much better than filling up the landfills with disposable containers. Now, if I could only remember to bring it with me… Please share the link with us.
Thanks for reading my blog.