Nutritionist Behind the Scenes During a Satellite Media Tour (SMT)

Last month I was thrilled to appear in a satellite media tour on behalf of the national Got Milk? campaign. Many people have asked me, “What is an SMT?” During this SMT, I appeared in about 20 TV (mostly) and radio segments filmed in one studio and shown across the country within a 4 hour period.
Here are some photos from behind the scenes.
My view from behind the counter top. There were at least twelve production crew members assisting with this project.
While the crew perfected the set, I went into hair and makeup while enjoying a delicious real milk latte and studying my notes. Have U.S. Airways blanket, will travel. Burrr!
The food stylist working her magic.
My PR client, Gloria, putting props perfectly in place with the producers observing.
Showtime! My remaining breakfast of peanut butter toast, an egg, and cherries waited for me off to the side until the next break. With a 3:30 a.m. call time, I needed to ease my way into the first meal of the day.
Here is one of the clips: TV Nutritionist Talks Budget Friendly Breakfasts During SMT
And I know one of you will ask, so here is your answer: sweater by J. Crew, and a totally cute J. Crew skirt hiding behind the counter.
Such fun!
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hey girl were you in Chicago? It looks like the same set where I filmed my corporate wellness videos for Allstate. This looks so fun… and I can’t wait to get your book and see you at FNCE of course!
Hello dear,
Yes, I was in Chicago for that! It was a blast, indeed. You are so sweet. Can’t wait to see you at FNCE in all of your pregger-licious beauty.
Love the sweater! You look great (as always)! 🙂
Thanks, Suzanne! You’re so sweet.