What a Nutritionist Eats at a Candy Buffet

It’s every kid’s dream. To “get candy,” as Jerry Seinfeld explains.
Last weekend I attended my friend’s adoption party. It was quite a production, to say the least, and for good reason. Alysa and her husband had tried to adopt a baby for nearly two years to no avail. Then just days before their adoption papers were to expire, they received the call. A beautiful two-year-old baby girl who lived in the same city was waiting for a new family to adopt her.
So there we were. Alysa spared no expense and produced a party I won’t soon forget. We walked into the venue and spotted a cotton candy station and two massive jumping gyms. The inside of the party blew me away. Alysa realized her vision of a Willy Wonka-style candy buffet. It looked like something you’d see in a Martha Stewart magazine.
You name it, she had it. M & Ms, pixie sticks on steroids, marshmallow kebabs, and swirly twirly lollipops.
Twizzlers, gum drops, and a table draped with a Smarties garland. I stood agape. M & Ms and gumballs sized for choking drew Scarlet in immediately. We allowed her to gobble popcorn and the chocolate candies to her heart’s content until her face and hands became covered in a chocolate candied slurry. At least she slurped down two cups of milk. I draw the line when it comes to soda, though she doesn’t really know what it is yet anyway. When she witnesses me drinking a Diet Coke or glass of wine, she calls it “mommy juice”. Exactly.
But that wasn’t all. Our friend Jen used to bake professionally. I asked her, “What did you make?” She said nonchalantly, “Oh, just the cookies and cupcakes.”
The newly united mommy and baby with the baker.
I’m mostly a chocolate person, and usually don’t reach for straight sugary candy. I didn’t hesitate to scoop a few peanut M & Ms into my hand, followed by a mini red velvet cupcake. I stopped the waiters in their tracks to take two sausage-stuffed meatballs and a turkey pinwheel so I wouldn’t fill up exclusively on too much candy. I sipped on a glass of pinot grigio.
At last, the chef-attended pasta station opened. I chased after Scarlet while Steve waited in line to order our food.
What a Nutritionist Eats
I requested spaghetti with pesto, artichokes, olives, spinach, mushrooms, and onions, and a plate of Caesar salad. I managed to finish half of the big-as-my-head portions, followed by two more mini cupcakes and M & Ms.
I popped a cellophane-wrapped sugar cookie into my purse and enjoyed it over breakfast and dinner the next day. Magnificent.
Did I bring the candy grab bag the host offered home with me? Of course I did! Wouldn’t you?
Estimated calories: Dinner 925, wine 100
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The baby is so cute and her and mommy look so happy 🙂 What a fun party for a wonderful event in their lives!