Nutrition Blogger Discovers Infomercials

I typically turn off the TV as soon as the weekend morning show ends and the first food gadget or weight loss miracle infomercial begins. The Magic Bullet gift from my in-laws has been my only personal experience with these goods, until now. I caught a glimpse of Bravo TV’s Flipping Out star Chaz Dean’s pretty face flash across the screen as he promoted his Wen Hair Care System. Then Alyssa Milano (I swear, she doesn’t age) tossed her head back with her beautiful mane in tow, followed by a model’s before and after photos. They got me.
I would do almost anything for this type of hair – long, thick and glossy, with no damaged ends. During that infomercial moment I decided to “act now” to receive my miracle hair care products along with a handful of other goodies, all for $29.95.
Yesterday it showed up at my door, prompting my dash to the shower to test it out immediately. I didn’t have anywhere to go afterward so allowed my hair to air dry. Compared to the usual bird’s nest that forms on my head after a shampoo, the Wen result was smooth, bouncy, and relaxed locks. The true test will be tomorrow when I fully style my hair for a television appearance.
Though not food related, I felt compelled to share my story with you. Besides washing my hair, I enjoyed a nice day of healthy food. Mostly.
For breakfast I toasted a slice of whole grain bread and served it with a scoop of low-fat cottage cheese topped with raspberries. As summer wanes, I’m jamming in as many berries and stone fruits as possible while they’re in season.
Right before lunch I grabbed a banana, and then sat down with Scarlet and ate mini curry chicken salad sandwiches with rocket salad mix. Lemon cilantro hummus and carrot sticks helped fill the plate, but portions were small before my early afternoon workout.
I hit a new low with caffeine calling out to me right before my 2:00 trip to the gym. Yes, I drank a can of Diet Coke during my workout.
Post-workout, a warm 100% whole wheat tortilla and celery sticks dipped in hummus satisfied me for the rest of the afternoon while I worked at my desk.
Towards the end of the day, Scarlet and I munched on salt and pepper pistachios while shooting plastic cups with a water gun in the backyard. She managed to crack open a few pistachios on her own!
And grapes. I split hers in half.
Originally Steve didn’t think he would be home in time for dinner, so I planned a simple taco salad supper for one with ground turkey, tomatoes, avocado, crispy tortilla strips, cheese, and apple cider vinaigrette. When Steve showed up hungry and popped a cheese pizza into the oven, I couldn’t resist the aroma of cheese melting on the pizza stone and gobbled up a small slice.
For dessert I savored a Ghirardelli Dark Chocolate with Caramel while finishing up a glass of red table wine. Then took my fabulous hair and went to bed.
Have you ever been sucked into an infomercial? What was it that drew you in?
Estimated calories: 1854 (breakfast 255, lunch 427, dinner 737, snacks 335, wine 100)
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No recent infomercial experience, but can’t wait to see your new hair! You must post before and after photos. Also, can’t believe you drank a DC during a workout. The thought of that makes my stomach do flips! I’ve been trying to find a way to get through my early morning workouts, perhaps caffeine is my answer?
Oh, believe it, baby. But really, I can’t believe it either. I’m not sure if I’d say my hair turned out better today, so I don’t know if there is really a “before and after.” I love caffeine in the morning, but a little coffee or tea would be a better choice, of course, compared to my afternoon soda.
All right I take that back. Steve said my hair looked shinier and brighter. Sounded good to me!
No but I have been wanting a Magic Bullet! I think I need to purchase one!
I left my Magic Bullet in my cabinet untouched for a few years before I even touched it. Then a few months ago during the Freezer Challenge, I pulled it out to make smoothies. It is so easy to use and clean. Easier to clean and pull out compared to a traditional blender. Good luck!
No, I am too much of a skeptic :/ – It’s liking watching L’Oreal commercials that star actresses using their product.
I know, that is funny. Or like Jillien Michaels promoting a weight loss supplement. I’m not sure if I saw a difference in my hair today. I guess only time will tell. At least it was a good deal for all the items, so that is good.
Actually, I take that back. Steve just told me that my hair looked shinier and brighter. Sounded good to me!
Well that’s the best compliment 🙂
Turbofire! It’s this crazy intense set of kickboxing dvds….from the same people that market P90X and Insanity…It wasn’t really the before and after photos that sold me because every body is going to be different, but just how really fun that such an intense workout looked. I’ve always loved kickboxing because I find it to be a great stress reliever after a long day AND you get a good workout…If you’re looking for something new to mix up your routine, I highly recommend. It comes with like 15 different dvds so you can mix and match and NEVER get bored!!
I am so tempted by the Wen products. The thing is I use Deva hair care and love it. I do love Bare Minerals, which made its debut on infomercials, instead of liquid foundation. My skin looks even without looking cakey and it feels like it can breathe.
I’ve been curious about the Bare Minerals! I’ll have to check it out.